A successful start: First commercial Carbo-FORCE plant in operation

Rendsburg, Germany – The pioneering pyrolysis plants from Carbo-FORCE enable a net CO2 balance of zero. This was impressively demonstrated in Rendsburg, where the company put the first commercial plant into operation on the site of the Borgstedt economic and waste disposal region (AWR). Even NDR's Schleswig-Holstein Magazin showed interest.

Here we go

In spring 2019, preparations began for the construction of the first commercial Carbo-FORCE system in Rendsburg. The two main modules in container format were delivered smoothly from the factory and assembled on site. This was followed by fine-tuning and finally the certification process.

The plant produces biochar

In July, the time had finally come: the plant successfully went into operation. "The first big packs have been filled with biochar," explains Managing Director Kai Alberding, adding: "Nevertheless, we are now testing other residual materials and optimizing parameters in order to be able to operate future plants even more efficiently." But one thing is already clear: the Carbo-CAP-TEC reactor is more than living up to its expectations. Once the system has been brought up to operating temperature, the energy in the wood is sufficient to keep the carbonization process running without an external heat supply. "This central element of our system technology makes it possible to guarantee a completely autothermal process," emphasizes Kai Alberding. 

NDR as a guest 

At the end of the year, NDR's Schleswig-Holstein Magazin visited the Carbo-FORCE plant in Rendsburg. Together with Ralph Hohenschurz-Schmidt, Managing Director of AWR, the Carbo-FORCE team presented not only the outstanding technology, but also the potential of biochar in general. "Interest in biochar and its benefits for people and the environment is growing every day. We are pleased that we can contribute to raising awareness," concluded Kai Alberding.

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Do you have any questions?

Get in touch with us. 

Carbo-FORCE GmbH

Wilhelmshöher Allee 273 a
34131 Kassel